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Side Burners

It’s no secret that a side burner is one of the most underused and undervalued pieces of outdoor cooking equipment. A myriad of grillers swear they need one. However, when it comes down to it, they’re uncertain of what to do with a side burner or prefer using their kitchen stove.

The truth is that a side burner is right under your nose, waiting to be utilized. So, you don’t need to use your indoor kitchen to warm up beans or cook corn in your oven or on the stone. At Barbeques Galore, you’ll find a vast assortment of side burners for your gas grill from trusted brands such as Twin Eagles, DCS, Fire Magic, and Delta Heat that facilitate efficient cooking.

Not sure about the ideal side burner to buy? Consult our in-house experts today!

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Christie Vanover - GirlsCanGrill Nick Hill - SaltFireBBQ Chuck Matto - ChucksFlavorTrain Derek Perry - FreedomSoHard Jason Glover - DadsThatCook Chris Apple - WhiteBullsBBQ